Post event thoughts

All this unpacking, laundry, maintenance and packing away things is starting strong emotions in me. It’s making me feel thankful and greatful for the life I’ve found and made for myself in the SCA.
Before I joined in 2010, and even before I got really active in 2012, I had the medieval week in Visby to look forward to. If I was lucky, I got to go to the halfway party and take out one outfit that got to see more than just Visby.
When I got home after The Week, I packed away my stuff and started to long, ache, for the next one. Because that was all I had. I still long for the next one, but nowadays I have more.
In just a few weeks I’ll be going to Aros fencing camp, and in the fall I’ll be visiting Gothenburg, England, Sundsvall and more for events. By the time I’m back in Visby next year I’ll probably have been to about 12 events, some in Sweden and some abroad.
So even though this big, amazing and wonderful week is grand, there is more. Maybe the SCA isn’t for you, maybe it is, but there are more society’s around us with different focus periods and areas. If you want to do more, ask! I don’t know all the different groups, but I’m sure we can find some suggestions if you want to get your stuff out more regularly.

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